ASM Roland Basketry Gallery Remodel

Kappcon acted as the General Contractor to complete the remodel of a 1,000 sq foot Arizona State Museum gallery designed by Line and Space. The Arnold and Doris Roland Basketry Gallery, a part of the Woven Through Time exhibit, houses over 200 Native American artifacts from the Southwest. The renovated exhibit space effectively communicates the storied history of basketry’s ancient roots.

Upon entry from the lobby, visitors gain a dramatic line of site to the vault display, creating a powerful sense of arrival.



A compressive, abstract woven ceiling entrance marks the beginning of the visitor’s path. The woven steel conduit suspended from above creates a dynamic ceiling plane that echoes the weaves of a basket and ties the individual spaces within the gallery together.

Movement through the collection is an integrated flow between the past, present, and future of basketry.


The Gallery project will provide much needed public access, display, education and interpretive space for the Arizona State Museum’s Basket Collection, recipient of the Save America’s Treasures Award.

Photos by Line + Space