Kappcon adds an Arizona General Engineering License

We are proud to announce that Kappcon has added AZ ROC 300376, a Dual Engineering license.

AZ ROC 300376

AZ ROC 300376

This classification allows the licensee to construct or repair:

1. Fixed works
2. Streets
3. Roads
4. Power and utility plants
5. Dams
6. Hydroelectric plants
7. Sewage and waste disposal plants
8. Bridges
9. Tunnels
11. Public parks

Kappcon has completed the construction of a new auto dealership lot for Volvo of Tucson

We are proud of this new dealership lot extension for the great people at Volvo of Tucson. This project was completed with an excellent team of partners.  We look forward to working with everyone involved again!

Volvo Lot extension-03      Volvo Lot extension-04  Volvo Dealership Lot Extension

Check out Volvo of Tucson here…