The Journey of Lute Olson’s Statue to the U of A Campus

Lute Olson is a man who needs no introduction to University of Arizona basketball fans. The legendary men’s coach has 46 NCAA tournament wins under his belt, ushered many of his players into the NBA and transformed the Wildcat program into a basketball powerhouse.

After it was announced that a statue in his honor was to be erected, Kappcon was brought on to prepare the location where the statue would sit at the McKale Center.  Once the foundation was ready to support the tremendous weight of the statue, it was time to get Lute in place.

How does one move a statue no one is supposed to see yet? Very carefully.


Foreman Victor Pallanes putting the final touches on the statue’s base. Kappcon Superintendent Pete Staroska said, “the most challenging aspect of this job was accurately locating key points to the main floor from the maze like basement underneath without any reference points.”


The Unveiling

The Dream Team: Artist Jessica LoPresti of Rotblatt-Amrany, Ralph Banks, Jared Logue and Henry Tom of Line + Space Architects, Kappcon President Nathan Kappler and Omri Amrany of Rotblatt-Amrany


The life sized statue was unveiled at a touching ceremony on the Eddie Lynch Pavilion at the McKale Center on April, 2018. In attendance were former and current players, Wildcat fans, and the man of the hour, Lute Olson himself. Kappcon was thrilled to be a part of this special University of Arizona project honoring a true sports legend.

Tucson, Ariz. © Arizona Daily Star


See more photos of the ceremony at the Arizona Daily Star.

Project Details

Owner: University of Arizona

Architect: Line + Space Architects

General Contractor: Kappcon Inc.

Artist: Jessica LoPresti of Rotblatt-Amrany Studio

We would like to thank our trade partners Parsons Steel Builders, Sturgeon Electric, Penhall Concrete and Marco Crane for their assistance with this project.

655 N. Alvernon Sneak Peek

Kappcon has a long history of partnering with the University of Arizona; our latest project at 655 N Alvernon is no exception. The University purchased the 1970’s building for Health Sciences staff, but first the property needed serious love before the team could move in. We gutted the building (very quietly, some tenants were still there) and started from scratch.

Goings on at Alvernon

We aren’t quite finished yet, but the first interior shots were too good not to share. It’s very exciting to watch the progression from “gutted old building” to modern, cheerful work space. We hope the medical personnel will be happy in their new home.


Before (above) and After (below)

Alvernon Sneak Peek
Furnishings by Knoll


More to Come

Kappcon will be completing lab spaces, work and communal areas, and exterior updates for 655 N Alvernon in the coming weeks. Stay tuned to see the finished project! (this is the before…)

Alvernon Exterior Before

As always, these photos were taken by the great folks at openform.

We recommend them for any of your brand strategy and design needs.

ASM Roland Basketry Gallery Remodel

Kappcon acted as the General Contractor to complete the remodel of a 1,000 sq foot Arizona State Museum gallery designed by Line and Space. The Arnold and Doris Roland Basketry Gallery, a part of the Woven Through Time exhibit, houses over 200 Native American artifacts from the Southwest. The renovated exhibit space effectively communicates the storied history of basketry’s ancient roots.

Upon entry from the lobby, visitors gain a dramatic line of site to the vault display, creating a powerful sense of arrival.



A compressive, abstract woven ceiling entrance marks the beginning of the visitor’s path. The woven steel conduit suspended from above creates a dynamic ceiling plane that echoes the weaves of a basket and ties the individual spaces within the gallery together.

Movement through the collection is an integrated flow between the past, present, and future of basketry.


The Gallery project will provide much needed public access, display, education and interpretive space for the Arizona State Museum’s Basket Collection, recipient of the Save America’s Treasures Award.

Photos by Line + Space


From the archives…Arizona Stadium Video Board!

We re-discovered this video while preparing for our next CMAR presentation.

In 2011, Kappcon, Inc was the General Contractor for the University of Arizona in charge of installing that serious structure that holds up the Arizona Stadium Video Board.

And here is the structure finished with all of us proud team members.

UA video board