Horseshoe Canyon Remediation

Horseshoe Canyon is a special place on Kitt Peak.  Our team was tasked with remediation of a developed telescope site and giving it back to nature.  Our team walked through the site after the grading was completed.  Next step is to re-plant the site with salvaged native plants, new plants from salvaged seeds, and to add a harvested hydro-seed mix.

Remediation team
Remediation team










Kangaroos at our Construction Site!

It’s not everyday you meet a couple of Roos on the road to your Observatory Building project – however, this was quite common for the team at the KMTNet in Siding Spring Observatory!  We sure had fun with the challenges of the this Design-Build observatory construction project…

Three Roos
Three Roos
Paving the driveway to the KMTNet in Siding Spring Observatory, AU.
Paving the driveway to the KMTNet in Siding Spring Observatory, AU.
Bank protection for this severely sloped sight at Siding Spring Observatory
Bank protection for this severely sloped sight at Siding Spring Observatory
Crane Lifting 40' High Cube Container with Telescope Parts
Crane Lifting 40′ High Cube Container with Telescope Parts
Lifting the base assembly for KMTNet in Siding Spring Observatory, AU
Lifting the base assembly for KMTNet in Siding Spring Observatory, AU

Observatory Construction in South Africa

About one year ago, the team from Kappcon traveled to the South African Astronomical Observatory in Sutherland, South Africa.  It was an amazing work trip full of long days, cooperation, and problem solving.  This was a truly great team effort.  The telescope is one of three for the Korean Microlensing Telescope Network.

This was part of the Design-Build observatory construction contract that Kappcon has recently completed.

These telescopes will be detecting a lot of planets in the near future.

Team at Sutherland

Team at Sutherland